Sunday, August 23, 2009

Books - The Catalyst of Passion and Change

I have read several books on wealth, self improvement, business development, and sales as well as industry specific books on technical writing and content management. Recently I have found that I am not interested in being entertained by fiction when I read so I read business and industry magazines to relax. Honestly, I'm surprised I sleep as well as I do considering how much information is swirling through my thoughts at all times, but this is what keeps me sane I believe.

Anyway, a concept I find that shows up in many books is the idea of diversification. We know it is possible to start a business with one product, but we also know if you are not growing your business and moving forward, you are dwindling and moving backwards. It is important that the growth of the business is based on implementing complementary products or services that help increase the offering or reach a different market. To diversify a product offering can help support the growth of a company.

On investments, wealth experts all talk about diversification. My grandmother had lived through the depression in the 30's. One thing she had learned and lived was that it is important that your money would not all be invested in the same place. When she passed away my mother had to close out several bank accounts as well as find all the stashes she had around her residence. This may not be the best way to become wealthy but we can probably say that it is a good way to insure you don't loose everything you have earned when a bank closes down because of sub-prime mortgages crash.

So here I am at the beginning of my diversification into investment. I am approaching this change like I do every other, I learn. For business I had attended many training classes, programs, online seminars, conferences, and I continue to read books, often several at a time. I have mentors, advisors, have received coaching, and I participate in a mastermind group to ensure I have support and feedback for all my questions. For my new life addition I have invested in education to help myself understand real estate the way an expert would, through The Trump Institute. I am attending investment groups, networking with experts and surrounding myself with like minded people.

I was enticed in this direction through the ideas I have learned in the books I have read over the years. And this is my beginning. Books are often the catalysts passions. I would like to share three of my favourite books on wealth.

Books Worth Reading
  • The Wealthy Barber by David Chilton - This book gives you the basics of the concept that anyone can be a millionaire if you are wise with your money. Found at Chapters and Amazon.
  • Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker - If you read this book you need to go to the Millionaire's Mind Intensive Seminar. Buy the book and register for the weekend at this link. Use registration number 286519 so my friend Jackie, who gave me the opportunity to change my "wealth blueprint" can be rewarded.
  • The One Minute Millionaire: the Enlightening Way to Wealth by Mark Victor Hansen - I've listened to this book several times. I like the idea that there is more than one way to make money, which helped change my mindset and start me on my path to diversification. Also found at Chapters and Amazon.
I hope you enjoy these books and your own transformation.

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