I have been working in high-tech industries for nearly 20 years now. I started ClearComm Information Design to provide high-tech industries with technical professionals for information management.
At ClearComm our extensive experience is evidenced by our strong knowledge base in several different areas: laboratory applications, research, manufacturing, and service industries. Our varied disciplines include IT, electronics, chromatography, biophysics, chemistry, electrophysiology, GPS technology, ultrasonography, and audiology. The accumulation of transferable skills in software applications, hardware, and instrumentation operation allows ClearComm to quickly learn a client's product and industry.
Now the personal slant:
I can hardly believe I decided to run this business, on the cusp of becoming something very large, so that I could have more time with my family (three kids, Connor, Jack, and Chloe and my husband Brian). I am the idyllic model for the 40-something, business owner, career woman, mother, good wife, and life-time learner/student. Where do the years go?
If you had told me 3 years ago that I would consider myself unemployable because of my love for the visionary freedom of owning my own business, I would have called you crazy. Who in their right mind would give up a regular paycheque for the unpredicatable gamble of self-employment. It turned out it was not as much of a gamble as I first thought, but it definitely required an abundance of tenacity to get where I am today.
Well let me tell you it has been three years of growth that I cannot even begin to explain. I love this life. The more I get into the mindset, the more opportunities open up to me.
I am starting this blog to share information about the dualism of being a mom and a business owner in the seat of the CEO. I love how the two "MEs" are at constant odds and yet most things I learn for one job I can apply to the other. There is a fissure and a completeness that both parilyzes and motivates me at the same time.
What a wonderful, fortunate life I lead.
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